Sunday, January 2, 2011

Family in Florida

While we were in Florida for Christmas I took some quick pictures for one of my sisters and her family and also one of Tj's sisters and her family. This is my sister's beautiful family...
Can't believe how grown up my neices are getting. It's great to be around them and see their beauty from within, because we can all see how beautiful they are on the outside!
Then there is my sister-in-law's family with their three adorable children....
He was being such a little cutie! :)
I love his expression here!

So, now I am caught up to start the New Year right! :)


Kat said...


How can it be that no matter how many photos I see of all your various family members I've not seen one person who isn't BEAUTIFUL??? Must be true what the Bible says about your countenance showing on your face??? (Ha! Like what the Bible says isn't true?)

Gorgeous photos, as always. Your sister really has a lot of the same features as you. Of four of us, none of my siblings look alike and it seems that in other families you can definitely see that they are related. Neat how the whole gene blending deal works out, isn't it?

Jealous that you've been away for weeks and are all caught up on pictures!!! I am still so behind.

So sorry to hear you all are sick. Praying for quick recovery.



Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for taking them! I love how they turned out.
Love the last pic of the two of them in chairs!