Friday, June 12, 2015

Spring Lilacs and Baby Girl

This is my spring baby girl!  I have two winter babies, three summer babies and was thrilled to have my last baby born in the spring.  Spring has become one of my favorite times of the year since living in West Virginia.  The earth coming back to life, the flowers every where, warmer weather... it's just a beautiful time.
In May of 2014 I took this picture of her... she was one month old...

This was this past May at 13 months old....

The year went by entirely too fast for me.  I so enjoyed her first year of life.  She was such a sweet and easy baby and now she is turning into a sweet, curious little girl.  She is totally doted on by her siblings and has a fun personality.  She has a few little curls which I totally love!  (It's crazy how excited I have been to have a little girl with curly hair!)